Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Academy Teacher Training

Today we began our teacher "in service" training to get prepared for the upcoming school year. What a fantastic start! The training is outstanding this year, as it usually is. I'm excited to see us continuing our push forward with technology integration and I'm thrilled to see the refocusing on our students learning styles, creating relationships and the core competencies they need in order to survive the world.

It was noted today that our students have scored better than other students in the district. The other schools like to complain the reason why is that we get all the best students. Perhaps we do! They WANT to come here. They know it's going to be career focused, more professional, require a higher level of work and higher level thinking, require them to dress professionally one day a week and in general, stretch them beyond what the typical high school expects. Knowing all that, if they still want to come to the Academy.... then YES, we absolutely do get the best students! I commend them and we will do our very best not to let them down.


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