Friday, August 03, 2007

The Web-site Redesign is DONE!

I've been working on a new design for a little bit and finally published it today.

My plan for the upcoming school year is to make it a true source of information for my students and parents. Hopefully, the site has an interesting design and tells you a little bit about my personality. The "About" page has links to some of my dive trip pictures. I opted to leave them on the Kodak easy share web-site because I've got a Kodak printer and it has an automatic feature that lets you quickly publish some of your favorite pictures. In the future, I'll be adding some of our other trip pictures, including Rome, Paris and Hawaii.

I'll be updating the blog on a regular basis, so go ahead and set up your RSS feed now!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Something New This Year

In an effort to teach my students better ways of staying on top of their assignments, I plan to use my blogspot to post information about what we'll be doing in class. Then students can immediately receive posting information via RSS feed and will hopefully find it a way to stay current. Another great benefit is that parents can learn what their kids are doing in school.

Let's give it a shot and see how it goes. Anyone out there who has already done this, please comment and let me know how it worked for you.